The first time I had this was around 2002 when my friend Nadia made it for me. I had one bite and I was hooked mbaya mbovu (real bad). You know those desserts that you eat and automatically, just like in the movies, your eyes close? This is one of them.
I cooked it the other day and I have had such a hard time staying away from the fridge. This is the ideal comfort food dessert- thats a thing right? ha! It has few ingredients and in less than half an hour you’re cuddling with it on the couch, eating yourself to a happy place.
I call it custard because it’s quite similar. The steps are pretty much the same except that this is creamier because of the milk powder.
This is a cure all for the blues; breaking up, a tough day at work, pms & everything in between so try it and share with someone that needs this. Let me know how it turned out by leaving a comment below. I look forward to hearing from you.
Delicious custard teamed up with digestive biscuits for a creamy dessert